Heart & Brain Healcamp

Pure magic!

To say it was a life-changing experience sounds bombastic, but it is not an exaggeration. Under the safe guidance of the expert team of guides, we were well prepared for the two journeys with the plant medicine. Both the preparation and the integration afterwards helped us to enter this spectacular experience, to give it a place AND to take it home with us.

The experience fundamentally changed my story about my chronic illness, about life and death and most importantly: about love. The medicine gave me everything I had asked for, even more, much more. The last journey was a spiritual upgrade that I had not thought possible, not even in my wildest dreams. I came home as a different person, healed and overflowing with love.

– Dirk

An amazing experience

The psilocybin journeys brought me to the core of my being. Beyond expectations. I gained many insights, released old pain and resonated on a deep level, indescribable. The staff was loving and helpful.

Every day we had a lot of movement and bodywork from Julia. Exploring the body by feeling and dancing.. I never thought I could have so much fun and experience joy with it.

Anouk gave lectures and took care of us (…). It was so nice with all the participants. The well-maintained accommodation, the beautiful, peaceful landscape and the food. A great experience. I am very grateful to Anouk and the team

– Ingrid

Mind blowing

I have now participated in five retreats with Anouk, Julia, and their amazing team. It was a deeply transformative journey that brought to the surface invisible traumas, provided clarity on their impact on my life, and then brought healing. The loving, safe space they create to undertake this process was like a warm blanket for my soul. Their somatic approach is the only one that has ever worked for me. They have a unique ability to bring out the wisdom of the body and to heal the mind through the body.

I am immensely grateful to them for bringing back the joy of life into my existence and for the deeper insights in myself and human nature in general they have provided. The truffles they work with are grandmasters in metaphysics! With every psychedelic journey, I was once again astonished by the power of this ancient medicine.

Anyone who wants to take a look into the subconscious, at what the mind doesn’t want you to see, is in very good hands with Anouk and Julia. There is so much to learn from our bodies. It’s mindblowing!

– Floris

Truffel Spirit Workshop & The New Breathwork ®

Safe atmosphere

It was magical. There was laughter, but also a lot of crying. Learning to feel emotions, accepting painful events from the past under the guidance of a fantastic team in a safe environment, so special. Incredibly grateful that I have given myself this gift.

– Andrea Rohrbach

Great guidance

What an intensely beautiful experience I was allowed to undergo. The sincere attention, care and (experienced) wisdom of Anouk, make that she (together with her team) knows how to create a very loving and safe atmosphere. Within that, transformation is possible for everyone. Thank you for the great guidance!

– Ingrid

Trauma workshop and The Hart & Brein Healing Process


Anouk and her assistant are professionals. They ensure safety in the group, follow up where necessary and a nice atmosphere. Thank you!

– Anoniem

Empathetic and loving

A big 10 for this event. Gained beautiful new personal insights, learned a lot (and applied!) about trauma and trauma healing. Anouk has a lot of knowledge that she brings with passion and conviction. She is empathetic, loving and compassionate in her approach / contact with us as participants

– Margit