
About Patty Gerrits

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So far Patty Gerrits has created 24 blog entries.

Wisdom of Trauma

Did you know that traumatising events are stored as implicit emotional and physical states and not in the form of a chronological narrative? A survival-oriented adaptive response takes place to the traumatising events or environment and this response allows for a split between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This allows you to reject the realisation that you have been traumatised and [...]

2023-10-12T17:21:17+02:00October 31st, 2022|blog|0 Comments

The Invisible Epidemic

There is an invisible Epidemic going on right now -and that has nothing to do with a virus going around and making people sick. It all has to do with what happens to us at an emotional level. There are always powerful forces at work in our lives. As you live through the years of your life, you are continually experiencing emotions of one [...]

2023-10-12T17:26:13+02:00April 5th, 2020|blog, Emotions, Vibrational healing|3 Comments

Meditation! Key to Well-being

Taking a deep breath, hugging a beloved one, stretching your limbs, walking in nature, meditating.  These simple acts, bestows a sense of calm and comfort. Doing this, is activating a complicated system of nerves that connects the brain to the heart, the gut, the immune system, and many of the organs. That system is known collectively as the Vagus nerve. The mysterious nerve network [...]

2023-10-12T17:27:02+02:00December 23rd, 2019|blog, Meditation|0 Comments
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